React Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Professionals & Freshers
Last updated 19th.Dec.2023
React Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Professionals & Freshers
About The Author
Sai Ram Soma Having 12+ years of IT experience in React JS & Native, JavaScript, Typescript. Working in a startup from day one. Accustomed to learning and keeping up with the current trend. Experience in developing feature rich web applications using React JS. Experience in developing mobile applications in Android, React Native.
About React JS Training in Hyderabad
React.js, developed by Facebook, is a front-end library designed for managing the view layer in web and mobile applications. It facilitates the creation of reusable UI components and has become the most popular JavaScript library with a large community. React is often used in combination with other libraries and tools, such as Redux for state management and React Router for handling navigation in single-page applications. It has become widely popular in the web development community and is used by many companies for building interactive and responsive user interfaces.
If you’re a JavaScript developer, enrolling in ReactMasters’s React JS Training in Hyderabad, whether through online or classroom sessions, can enhance your skills in dealing with React JS. Upon completing the course, you’ll be proficient in working with React JS, leveraging features such as JSX, Components, Unidirectional Data Flow, Flux, and License.
Our React JS course includes an interview preparation and placement assistance program to support students in easily navigating job interviews. With Digital Brolly’s React JS course and placement assistance, you can receive comprehensive guidance for a career in React JS. Our dedicated placement assistance teams offer mock interviews, career counseling sessions, and Q&A forums to ensure candidates are well-prepared for their interviews.
This article provides some ReactJS interview questions and answers for experienced professionals to give you a better understanding of the different ReactJS interview questions that can be asked in an interview and help you prepare for it better. Explore the world of React expertise by visiting our Reactmasters. on the website and enrolling in the course today.
React Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
1. Define React?
React stands out as an open-source front-end JavaScript library, primarily recognized for its popularity in crafting single-page web applications. Its utility shines when developing interactive and sophisticated user interfaces for websites or mobile apps. Released in 2015, React.js has swiftly gained trust and become one of the most widely adopted technologies of recent times, fostering one of the largest developer communities.
2. Explain about the features of React.js?
Key features of React.js include:
- Adoption of Virtual DOM in place of the real DOM
- Complete server-side rendering, transforming HTML files on the server into client HTML pages
- Unidirectional flow of data within React.js applications, restricting data passage to other application components in a single direction.
3. What are the main advantages of React.js?
The main advantages of React.js include:
- Improved application performance
- Versatility for usage on both client and server sides
- Elevated code readability due to JSX
- Seamless integration with frameworks like Angular and Meteor
- Ease of writing UI test cases with React.js.
4. Define JSX?
JSX, the syntax extension for JavaScript in React.js, facilitates the definition of the user interface’s appearance. Moreover, JSX allows the use of JavaScript code files to articulate HTML structures.
5. Explain an event in React.js?
Events in React.js encompass actions triggered when a user presses a key, clicks the mouse, or performs any action on the machine. In React.js, camelCase is used to name events, and JSX requires passing a function as an event handler, deviating from the string-based approach in HTML.
6. How do Lists function in React.js?
In React.js, Lists are crafted similarly to their creation in standard JavaScript. These lists facilitate the organized display of data and prove advantageous in presenting menus on websites. Traversing lists is accomplished using the map() function. For instance, consider an array of numbers processed by the map() function, where each value is multiplied by 5:
var numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
const multiplyNums = => { return (number * 5); });
Output: The resulting data will be logged in the console, producing [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] in this specific case.
7. Why are keys employed in React.js Lists?
Keys in React.js Lists serve to:
Identify altered, moved, or deleted objects within lists
Simplify the determination of objects requiring re-rendering, avoiding unnecessary re-rendering of all components.
8. Is HTML used in React?
No, React.js uses JSX, an HTML-in-JavaScript syntax that converts HTML tags to React elements.
9. What is the release date of React?
React was released in March 2013.
10. Can you identify two downsides of React?
Integration with an MVC framework like Rails proves challenging, and users need knowledge about integrating the user interface into an MVC framework.
11. What are the differences between Real DOM and Virtual DOM?
Real DOM | Virtual DOM |
The updates are very slow. | The updates are fast. |
It consumes a lot of memory. | The consumption of memory is less. |
It allows direct updates from HTML. | It cannot get direct updates from the HTML. |
12. Explain Flux Concept In React?
Flux is a modern architectural pattern designed for client-side web applications, introducing a novel approach to managing data flow. It champions the concept of Unidirectional Data Flow, providing a structured method for handling state updates.
13. What is Redux in React?
Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used for front-end development. It acts as a container for JavaScript applications, facilitating robust state management within the application.
14. Explain the ‘Store’ feature?
The ‘Store’ in Redux is a pivotal feature that serves as a centralized repository for the entire application state. It enables the application to store and retrieve the complete state in one centralized location, offering convenient access for receiving regular updates directly from the store.
15. What is a high order component in React?
A High Order Component (HOC) in React is an advanced technique for reusing component logic. It involves wrapping a component with another component to enhance or modify its behavior.
16. What is the Presentational segment?
The Presentational segment in React refers to a component that exclusively renders HTML. Its sole purpose is to handle the presentation layer’s markup, focusing on visual aspects without involvement in state management.
17. Explain Props in ReactJS?
In ReactJS, Props, short for properties, serve as a communication channel from parent to child components. They allow the passing of data from one component to another, influencing the child component’s behavior.
18. What does the super keyword mean in React?
In React, the ‘super’ keyword is employed to invoke methods from the superclass or parent class within a subclass.
19. What is the yield catchphrase in JavaScript?
The ‘yield’ keyword in JavaScript is used to pause and resume the execution of a generator function.
20. List the two types of React components?
Two types of React components are:
- Function component
- Class component
21. What is a synthetic event in ReactJS?
A synthetic event in ReactJS is an object that acts as a cross-browser wrapper for the browser’s native event, providing a consistent interface for event handling.
22. In Redux, what is an action?
In Redux, an action is an object containing information about an event that has occurred in an application. It serves as a payload for changes to the application’s state.
23. What are stateless components?
Stateless components in React are pure functions devoid of a render method. They rely solely on the input provided through props and do not maintain any internal state.
24. What is React Router?
React Router is a routing library for React that enables navigation and management of component rendering based on the application’s URL.
25. Can you list some animation packages in React?
Some animation packages in React include:
- React Motion
- React Transition Group
- React Spring
26. Explain Jest?
Jest is a JavaScript testing framework developed by Facebook. It is built on Jasmine and offers a feature-rich API for quick and effective testing of applications.
27. What exactly is the dispatcher?
The dispatcher in Flux is the central hub of data flow within a Flux application. It acts as a directory of callbacks, ensuring a controlled and organized flow of data between components.
28. Explain the callback function?
In React, a callback function is executed when the setState() method has completed its operation. It is commonly used to prevent unnecessary re-rendering of a component and can be triggered in response to prop changes or server responses.
29. Explain React State?
React State is an object within a component that stores the component’s property values. It dictates how the component renders and behaves, providing a dynamic aspect to the component.
30. Can a State be updated in ReactJS?
Yes, the State in ReactJS can be updated either directly or indirectly. The setState() function or the updater function can be used for implementation, allowing for dynamic adjustments to the component’s state.
31. What is the purpose of arrow functions in React?
Arrow functions serve to create concise function expressions and aid in identifying bugs when used as callbacks.
32. Enumerate the lifecycle steps of React?
The lifecycle steps include:
- Initialization
- State/Property updates
- Destruction
33. Define React portals?
React portals are employed to render an element outside its hierarchy by utilizing the CreatePortal method. This feature enables developers to render elements outside the hierarchical tree structure.
34. Elaborate on Context in React?
React Context provides a mechanism for sharing data globally among React components. This is achieved by passing props from parent to child and storing them in a store, allowing child components to access these props through the store.
35. What is the role of Webpack?
Webpack is a command-line tool utilized to bundle various code files and assets into a single, comprehensive file. It is constructed on Node.js and aids in minimizing JavaScript, CSS files, images, and other assets.
36. Explain Babel?
Babel is an open-source JavaScript compiler designed to convert the latest JavaScript versions into older ones, ensuring compatibility across different environments.
37. How do ReactJS and React Native differ?
ReactJS is an open-source front-end JavaScript library tailored for building user interfaces, while React Native is an open-source mobile framework specifically designed for developing applications on platforms such as Android and iOS.
38. How do browsers interpret JSX files?
Since JSX combines HTML and JavaScript, browsers cannot directly interpret it. A transpiler is required to convert JSX to JavaScript, enabling browsers to understand and render the content.
39. What is the recommended approach for naming components?
It is advisable to use references instead of displayName when naming components, as it provides a clear and concise identifier for the component.
40. Highlight one distinction between Props and State?
State is mutable, whereas Props are immutable. State is internally managed by the component and can be modified, while props are externally managed and remain constant during the component’s lifecycle.
41. Define pure components in ReactJS?
A React component is considered pure if it consistently produces the same output when provided with the same set of state and props.
42. What is 'create-React-app'?
‘create-React-app’ is a tool that establishes a development environment for building React applications, simplifying the setup process by providing a basic configuration without manual setup. It is particularly helpful for creating single-page applications in React.
43. What is the purpose of the 'key' attribute in React lists?
The ‘key’ attribute is used to provide a unique identity to elements within a list.
44. Explain the 'children' prop?
The ‘children’ prop is employed to pass data from the parent component to its child components.
45. Define error boundaries?
Error boundaries assist in capturing errors within child components, logging the error details, and displaying a fallback UI to enhance user experience.
46. Why use empty tags <> >?
Empty tags <> </> are used to declare fragments in React.
47. Discuss strict mode?
Strict mode in React highlights potential problems in the application by encapsulating a section of it as a component. While it doesn’t display visible elements in development mode and doesn’t impact production mode performance, it provides valuable warnings.
48. What is React Fiber?
React Fiber is the new reconciliation engine introduced in React 16, enabling incremental rendering of the virtual DOM for improved performance.
49. Differentiate between createElement and cloneElement?
createElement creates a new element and returns it, while cloneElement duplicates an existing element and returns a new instance.
50. Explain Lifting State Up in React?
Lifting State Up refers to the practice of elevating shared state from multiple components to their common parent. When two or more child components need access to the same data, the shared state is lifted to the parent component.
51. Define stateful components?
Stateful components in React are those whose behavior is dependent on the internal state of the component.
52. Tell me, how will you memoize a component in React?
We can memoize a component in React using memoization libraries.
//Using React.memo
Import React from ‘react’;
//Create a component
Const MyComponent = (props) => {
return <div>{props.value}</div>;
//Memoize the component
Const MemoizedComponent = React.memo(MyComponent);
//Use the memoized component
<MemoizedComponent value={1} />
53. Explain the Concept of High-Order Component in React?
A high-order component in React is an advanced technique for reusing component logic, stemming from the compositional nature of React.
54. Define the Presentational Segment?
The presentational segment allows users to render HTML.
55. Define Webpack?
Webpack serves as a module builder primarily employed during the development process.
56. Explain Mounting and Unmounting in React JS?
Mounting is the process of attaching elements to the Document Object Model (DOM), while unmounting is the process of detaching elements from the Document Object Model (DOM).
57. How are elements generated in React?
To generate elements in React, loops are utilized to dynamically display a set of components based on an object or array. It is essential to have an understanding of the v-for directive and its applications. Here’s an example that demonstrates the usage of a random array to create a set of RandomComponent:
{ =>
<RandomComponent key={} random={random}/>
58. How to update the State Object in React?
Updating the state object in React involves utilizing the setState function, which merges the new object with the current state. This mechanism triggers a component rerender, ensuring that views stay synchronized and current. The following example illustrates the functionality of the setState function:
class Profile extends React. Component
constructor ( ) {
super ( ) ;
this.state = {
name: ‘Ryan’
updateName ( ) {
name: ‘Steve’
render ( ) {
return (
React Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Professionals
1. How can production mode be activated in React?
Activate production mode in React by utilizing Webpack’s DefinePlugin method, which sets NODE_ENV to production. This step removes propType validation and extra warnings, optimizing the application for production.
2. Define switching components.
Switching components refer to a component that dynamically renders one of several components based on a set condition. This involves using an object to map prop values to specific components, providing users with the ability to toggle settings on or off.
3. How can you modify props in React?
Modifying props in React is not possible as they are read-only. The immutability of props ensures that their values cannot be updated once they are passed to a component.
4. Explain the concept of 'Restructuring?
Restructuring is a process by which arrays are deconstructed or extracted into individual elements or variables.
5. Is it possible to update the values of props?
No, updating the values of props is not feasible in React. Props are immutable and follow a top-down flow, meaning that a parent can transmit prop values to a child, but the child cannot modify or update them.
6. Can web components be used in a React application?
Yes, it is possible to use web components in a React application. While not a common practice among developers, it becomes necessary when integrating third-party UI components into the React application architecture.
7. Why is the 'prop-types' library used?
The ‘prop-types’ library is utilized for runtime checking of props and similar objects.
8. What are React hooks?
React hooks eliminate the need to write a class for using State and other React features, providing a more streamlined approach to managing component state.
9. What do you know about Controlled Components?
Controlled Components manage input elements, meaning the form’s data is handled by the component’s state. They receive values through props and effect alterations through callbacks.
10. What are refs?
Refs are attributes of DOM elements, provided by React as a function to access these elements. They are useful when you need to modify the value of a child component without relying on props.
11. What can you do to trigger reducers?
Reducers can be triggered using event actions.
12. How do you implement routing in ReactJS?
React Router, available as an npm package, can be added to an application with a single line of code. Once installed, routes can be defined, and the Link component can be used to navigate between them.
13. Can you nest JSX elements within other JSX components?
Yes, JSX elements can be nested within other JSX components.
14. In pure components, what issue arises when using render props?
Creating a function inside the render method can compromise the performance of the pure component.
15. Define the windowing technique.
The windowing technique provides only a small number of rows at any given time, reducing the time required to re-render both elements and DOM nodes.
16. How will you fetch data with React Hooks?
Data can be fetched with React Hooks using the useEffect hook, which employs Axios to fetch data from an API.
17. Define Formik?
Formik is a third-party library that facilitates form programming and validation in React applications.
18. List some middleware choices for handling asynchronous calls in Redux?
Redux Promise, Redux Saga, Redux Thunk.
19. Explain how browsers understand JSX code?
No, browsers cannot understand JSX code directly. A transpiler, such as Babel, is required to convert JSX into regular JavaScript objects, as web browsers are built to read original JavaScript or JS objects
20. Define one-way data flow in React?
One-way data flow in React means that data can be transferred from parent to child components, but not vice versa.
21. What is Concurrent Rendering?
Concurrent Rendering is a feature in React that enables components to render, update, and respond to user input simultaneously, enhancing the overall performance and responsiveness of the application.
22. Is there a distinction between concurrent mode and async mode?
No, they are essentially the same. Concurrent mode was initially known as “Async Mode.”
23. Is it possible to use JavaScript URLs in React 16.9?
Yes, it is possible, but it will trigger a warning in the console.
const companyProfile = {
website: “javascript: alert(‘Your company website is hacked’)”,
// It will log a warning
<a href={}>Find more details</a>
24. Share insights on React Server components?
React Server components provide a method for developing applications that harness the advantages of both server-side and client-side processing.
25. Define prop drilling?
Prop drilling occurs when the same set of data is passed down through multiple interconnected levels of components until it reaches the final level where it is needed.
26. Explain the concept of the virtual DOM?
In ReactJS, the Virtual DOM is a lightweight representation of the real DOM stored in memory. It serves as a more efficient version of the actual DOM. Instead of updating all objects in response to changes, only the specific modifications are applied to the real DOM, enhancing program efficiency and speed.
27. Why are keys used in Lists?
Keys in lists serve two primary purposes:
- Identifying which items have changed, updated, or been deleted from the lists.
- Determining which items require re-rendering, optimizing the rendering process.
28. Describe React forms?
React forms enable user interaction with web applications, facilitating the input of information through elements such as buttons, text fields, checkboxes, and more.
29. What are components in React?
In a React application, components are independent and reusable units of code that can be processed separately. A single application may consist of multiple components.
30.Provide an overview of MobX?
MobX is a straightforward, scalable, and well-tested state management solution based on Reactive programming principles. To utilize MobX, the following packages must be installed:
npm install mobx –save
npm install mobx-React –save
31. What are the steps to create an application using ReactJS?
Follow these steps to create an application using ReactJS:
- Install ReactJS on your machine by using npm, a JavaScript package manager. npm contains various JavaScript libraries, including ReactJS.
- Choose a text editor such as Sublime Text for coding.
- Use the command prompt or terminal to install the create-ReactJS-app package.
- Initiate the ReactJS app by navigating to the newly generated directory (e.g., my app) and executing npm start.
- Establish the component structure and determine whether your application will use functional or class components.
- Set up the backend structure with a Ruby-on-Rails API.
- Define the App component, which will include two child components: MainContainer and Nav.
- Configure the Nav component.
- Create the CreateCard component as a controlled form within the MainContainer component, which is set up as a class component.
- Implement a fetch request to the backend using ReactJS’s component lifecycle methods.
- Set up the ToDoCardContainer component to render all ToDoCard components.
- Render cards using the ToDoCard component.
- Create lists using the addList callback function.
- Render lists for appropriate cards by utilizing the ToDoList component.
32. What is the purpose of the eslint plugin for hooks?
The eslint plugin for hooks enforces the Rules of Hooks, serving as a static code analysis tool to identify faulty patterns in JavaScript code.
33. What is React Dev Tools?
React Dev Tools allows you to analyze the component hierarchy, including component props and state. It is available both as a standalone app and as a browser extension.
34. How do you address DevTools not loading in Chrome for local files?
If DevTools does not load for local files in Chrome, open Chrome Extensions and enable “Allow access to file URLs” before opening a local HTML file in your browser.
35. Enumerate some advantages of React over VueJS?
React surpasses Vue for the following reasons:
- Easy to test
- Suitable for mobile apps
- More flexible
36. Define render hijacking in React?
Render hijacking in React refers to the ability to control the output of one component from another component. It involves wrapping a component with a higher-order component.
37. How can you pass numbers to a React component?
Numbers can be passed to React components using curly braces ({}) for expressions, while strings are enclosed in quotes.
38. Explain the React memo function?
React memo function, similar to PureComponent or shouldComponentUpdate in class components, prevents unnecessary re-rendering when input properties remain the same.
39. List some benefits of React Router V4?
The main advantages of React Router V4 include:
- Provides declarative routing using components
- Eliminates the need to manually set history
- Reduces application size
40. How do uncaught errors behave in React 16?
Uncaught errors in React 16 result in the unmounting of the entire React component tree.
41. Explain the default props?
Default props in a React component are used to set default values for the props argument. They apply to undefined props but not to null props.
42. Which browsers do React applications support?
React applications support all major browsers, including Internet Explorer 9 and above. Additionally, support for older browsers can be achieved through the use of polyfills.
43. Is it required for keys to be globally unique?
While it is possible to use the same keys for two different arrays, they do not necessarily need to be globally unique.
44. What methods are called during error handling?
The methods invoked during error handling are:
static getDerivedStateFromError()
45. Can you explain the purpose of the unmountComponentAtNode method?
The unmountComponentAtNode method in React is utilized to unmount a React component from the DOM and perform cleanup on its event handlers and state. This method is commonly employed when cleaning up the DOM after a React component has been removed or replaced.
46. Under what condition do component props default to true?
Component props default to true when no value is explicitly passed for a prop. For instance, the following two scenarios are equivalent:
<MyInput autocomplete />
<MyInput autocomplete={true} />
47. How would you implement a search filter using React?
To create a search filter, follow these steps:
- Declare React states to store input values.
- Create an HTML input element for the search term.
- Implement an onChange function to update the state when the search term changes.
- Use the Array filter() method to filter the list of items based on the search term value.
48. How can you build a simple counter using React?
- To create a simple counter, follow these steps:
- Create a React state to store the count value.
- Define JavaScript functions to increment or decrement the count using setState().
- Incorporate HTML buttons with onClick events in the JSX code.
49. How do you display a list in React?
- To display a list, follow these steps:
- Declare a list of items using a JavaScript Array.
- Use to iterate over each item.
- Return JSX code for each item within the map function.
50. How can you implement an Image Slider using ReactJS?
To create an Image Slider, follow these steps:
- Create an array of objects containing an id and image URL for each slide.
- Manage the active image index to enable pre/next functionality.
- Update the active image index when the user clicks the previous or next option.
51. How can Font Awesome icons be added in React?
Install font-awesome:
$ npm install –save font-awesome
Import font-awesome in your index.js file:
import ‘font-awesome/css/fontasesome.min.css’
Add Font Awesome classes in className:
render() {
return <div><i className={‘spin’} /></div>
52. How can TypeScript be utilized in create-React-app applications?
Simply use the built-in support by adding the –typescript option:
npx create-React-app my-app –typescript
53. Does the statics object function with ES6 classes?
No, it only works with React.createClass():
54. How do you ensure that Redux Form initialValues get updated from state?
To achieve this, utilize the enableReinitialize: true setting.
React Js Jobs in Hyderabad
React JS Developer
A React.js developer specializes in building user interfaces for web applications using the React.js library. Their key responsibilities include creating reusable UI components, managing state for dynamic updates, integrating with APIs, implementing routing for single-page applications, testing and debugging code, optimizing performance, and collaborating with a development team.
UI Developer
A UI (User Interface) developer focuses on designing and implementing the visual aspects of a website or application. They create responsive and engaging user interfaces using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Responsibilities include crafting layouts, styles, and interactions, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing user experience. Collaboration with designers and other team members is common, and staying updated on design trends and web technologies is essential.
Mobile Application Developer
A Mobile Application Developer is responsible for creating and maintaining applications for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They typically specialize in either iOS or Android development, using programming languages like Swift or Kotlin. Key tasks include designing and implementing app features, ensuring compatibility with different devices, optimizing performance, and staying updated on platform-specific guidelines. Collaboration with cross-functional teams, including designers and QA engineers, is common in the development process.
Junior React.js Engineer
Entry-level position focusing on React.js development tasks and it involves writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code, and participating in the software development life cycle.
Trainee Software Engineer
Entry-level role involving training in React.js development and gradually taking on development responsibilities. Includes learning best practices, coding standards, and participating in team projects.
Web Developer
Responsibilities include building and maintaining responsive web applications using React.js. Involves collaborating with backend developers to integrate frontend and backend components.
JavaScript Developer
A JavaScript Developer specializes in writing and implementing JavaScript code for web applications. They focus on creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces, handling data manipulation, and interacting with server-side components. Responsibilities include coding, debugging, and optimizing JavaScript to ensure efficient and responsive web applications. Collaboration with UI/UX designers and back-end developers is common.
Frontend Engineer/Developer
A Frontend Engineer with expertise in React.js focuses on developing the user interface of web applications. Responsibilities include building reusable React components, managing application state, integrating with APIs, and ensuring a responsive and visually appealing user experience. Frontend Engineers in React.js collaborate with UI/UX designers and backend developers, implement routing for single-page applications, and optimize performance.
Software Developer
A Software Developer specializing in React.js is responsible for building the frontend of web applications. They create modular and reusable components, manage state for dynamic interactions, and integrate with backend services using React.js. The role involves collaborating with UI/UX designers and backend developers, implementing efficient data handling, and optimizing application performance.
Yes, learning React enhances your web development skills, and major organizations consider React JS skills essential. React developers should be eager to advance their skills in crafting highly responsive web apps, a crucial aspect, especially for Facebook’s prominent JavaScript Library.
React is positioned ahead of competitors like jQuery and Vue, supported by Facebook and substantial investments, indicating a bright future. This translates to more job opportunities for React developers. However, excelling in this field requires developers to go beyond just learning React.
During the interview, your objective is to demonstrate to the interviewer that you comprehend and can reason about state management. Your solution should be effective without unnecessary complexity. Be ready to elucidate and defend your choices.
A solid understanding of crafting user interfaces and experiences using HTML and CSS is essential for ReactJS developers. Skills should include coding semantic HTML tags, CSS selectors, and their application in websites and web applications.
React JS is currently in high demand due to its ability to deliver fast and flexible results. The components in React JS are easy to maintain, execute, and manage, making it a sought-after framework for web development and application building.
Here are some outlines tips and resources for your technical interview:
- Review fundamental concepts.
- Engage in coding challenges.
- Familiarize yourself with the company and its products.
- Understand the interview format.
- Enhance communication skills.
- Seek constructive feedback.
- Maintain composure and confidence.
- Talk through your reasoning and problem-solving process.
- Share your opinions when applicable.
- Avoid ending an answer with “I don’t know.”
- Always play for the team.
To ensure success, take the time to review and reacquaint yourself with the program and code you’ve written prior to the interview. You might be required to explain the rationale behind specific choices or elucidate how a particular algorithm functions.
A live coding interview is a real-time, face-to-face assessment where a candidate showcases their coding skills by solving a live coding challenge using a code editor within a specified timeframe.
Experts generally agree on four primary types of code: imperative, functional, logical, and object-oriented.
Yes, we provide a React.js full course PDF to all trainees enrolled in our institute’s course.
Yes, our React JS course includes an interview preparation and placement assistance program to support students in easily navigating job interviews. For more information, connect with us by sending an email through the contact details provided on our website.
The React.js course duration is 2 months, but it varies based on your individual learning pace.