7 Most Popular state Management Libraries in React

Last updated 5th.Dec.2024

Want to know importance of 7 Most Popular state Management Libraries in React. Then you are at the right place, this article will guide you through it.

7 most popular state management libraries

About The Author

Sai Ram Soma Having 12+ years of IT experience in React JS  & Native, JavaScript, Typescript. Working in a startup from day one. Accustomed to learning and keeping up with the current trend. Experience in developing feature rich web applications using React JS. Experience in developing mobile applications in Android, React Native.

React JS Interview questions and answers


State management library in React

Topic 1

Introduction to State management in React

Benefits of Server side rendering

Topic 2

The Need for State Management

Popular State Management Libraries for React

Topic 3

Popular React State Management Libraries

Choosing the Right State Management Library

Topic 4

Choosing the Right State Management Library

How to add Form data in React JS

Topic 5

When to Use 7 Most Popular State Management Libraries in React

Adding stage to manage the Field

Topic 6

Understanding Redux for State Management

Taiwind css vs bootstrap

Topic 7

React Query for Managing Server State in React Applications

form validation in React JS

Topic 8

Zustand Lightweight State Management for React

form validation react hook form

Topic 9

MobX Reactive State Management for React

Jotai An Atomic Approach to State Management in React

Topic 10

Jotai An Atomic Approach to State Management in React


Topic 12

Recoil in State Management for React

Context Api

Topic 13

Context Api


Topic 14



Topic 15

FAQ's (Frequently asked Questions)

Introduction to State Management in React

State Management in React

State management is a fundamental concept in React that is critical in building dynamic and interactive web applications. As a library for creating user interfaces, React revolves around the state concept to handle changes and maintain consistency in the user experience.

What is State in React?

In React, a state is an object that determines a component’s behaviour and appearance. It holds data that can change over time, such as user inputs, fetched data, or the current view in an application. State is local to a component, meaning it is isolated and cannot directly affect other components unless explicitly shared.

For example:

jsxCopy codefunction Counter()


  const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);

  return (


      <p>Count: {count}</p>

      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>




Here, the count variable is part of the component’s state, and the setCount function updates it. When the state changes, React re-renders the component to reflect the updates.

The Need for State Management

As applications grow in complexity, managing the state becomes challenging. React’s built-in state (using hooks like useState or useReducer) For small applications. However, for larger applications with multiple components, sharing and maintaining state across different parts of the app can lead to:

  • Prop Drilling: Passing state as props through multiple levels of components, which can make code harder to read and maintain.
  • Inconsistent State Updates: When multiple components modify the same state, ensuring consistency becomes challenging.
  • Complex Business Logic: Managing state with intricate dependencies can clutter component code.

To address these challenges, developers use state management libraries to centralize state handling, streamline data flow, and simplify complex interactions.

Overview of Built-in React State Management

React provides several tools for managing state out of the box:

  1. useState: Ideal for simple, local component state.
    • Example: Toggling a modal or updating form inputs.
  2. useReducer: A more advanced alternative to useState, suitable for managing complex state logic.
    • Example: Handling state transitions in a form wizard.
  3. Context API: A built-in tool for sharing state across components without prop drilling.
    • Example: Passing user authentication data throughout an app.

While these tools are powerful, they may not suffice for applications requiring:

  • Global state management.
  • Server-state synchronization.
  • Cache management.

This is where third-party state management libraries like Redux, MobX, and React Query come into play.

Popular React State Management Libraries

As React applications scale, managing state across components and modules becomes increasingly complex. To address these challenges, developers often turn to third-party state management libraries. These libraries simplify data handling, enhance performance, and make codebases easier to maintain.

1. Redux

Redux is one of the most widely used state management libraries for React applications. It operates on a predictable state container model, centralizing application state and logic in a single store.

  • Core Features:
    • Single source of truth (store).
    • Immutability is enforced via reducers.
    • Predictable state changes through actions.
    • Extensive developer tools (Redux DevTools).
    • Middleware support for asynchronous operations (e.g., Redux Thunk, Redux Saga).
  • Best For:
    • Large-scale applications with complex data flows.
    • Applications requiring strict state control and debugging tools.

2. MobX

MobX provides a simpler and more intuitive approach to state management compared to Redux. It uses an observer pattern, making state changes reactive and automatic.

  • Core Features:
    • Observables for tracking state.
    • Automatic reactivity without manually subscribing to changes.
    • Minimal boilerplate code.
    • Supports both local and global state management.
  • Best For:
    • Applications needing seamless reactive updates.
    • Projects prioritizing simplicity and less boilerplate code.

3. Zustand

Zustand is a lightweight and flexible state management library. It is particularly favoured for its minimalistic API and straightforward approach to managing the global state.

  • Core Features:
    • Hooks-based state management.
    • Minimal setup and configuration.
    • Built-in middleware for logging and persistence.
  • Best For:
    • Small to medium-sized applications.
    • Developers looking for a lightweight alternative to Redux.

4. React Query

React Query is tailored for managing server state, focusing on fetching, caching, and synchronizing data between the client and server.

  • Core Features:
    • Automatic data caching and updates.
    • Background fetching and refetching.
    • Simplifies server-state management compared to traditional tools like Redux.
  • Best For:
    • Applications with heavy server interactions.
    • Managing API calls and server-synchronized state.

5. Recoil

Recoil is a modern state management library developed by Facebook, designed to work seamlessly with React. It introduces a new way of managing shared state through atoms and selectors.

  • Core Features:
    • Atoms for individual state pieces.
    • Selectors for derived state computation.
    • Compatible with React Concurrent Mode.
  • Best For:
    • Applications with fine-grained state dependencies.
    • Teams working on modern React projects.

6. Jotai

Jotai is a lightweight state management library focused on minimalism. Its atomic state model ensures flexibility and simplicity.

  • Core Features:
    • Atom-based state management.
    • Compatible with React Suspense and Concurrent Mode.
    • Easy to scale for complex applications.
  • Best For:
    • Developers seeking simplicity without sacrificing scalability.
    • Projects emphasizing modern React patterns.

7. Context API  (as a Lightweight Option)

React’s built-in Context API is a straightforward tool for managing global state. While not technically a third-party library, it’s often used as a lightweight state management solution.

  • Core Features:
    • Eliminates the need for prop drilling.
    • Minimal configuration and dependencies.
    • Works natively within React.
  • Best For:
    • Small applications with limited global state needs.
    • Beginners exploring state management.

Choosing the Right State Management Library

Selecting the best react state management library for your React application is crucial for maintaining scalability, performance, and simplicity. Different libraries cater to different needs, and the decision largely depends on the complexity of your application, the type of state being managed, and your team’s expertise.

Factors to Consider :

  1. Application Complexity

    • Small applications with limited state management needs can rely on React’s built-in tools like useState or the Context API.
    • Larger applications with complex state dependencies, asynchronous operations, or heavy server interactions may benefit from Redux, React Query, or Recoil.

     2 . Type of State to Manage

    • Local State: Use libraries like Zustand or Context API for managing component-level state.
    • Global State: Libraries like Redux or MobX are well-suited for managing application-wide state.

     3 . Learning Curve and Team Expertise

    • Some libraries, like Redux, have a steeper learning curve due to concepts like actions, reducers, and middleware.
    • Libraries like Zustand or MobX are easier to learn and require less boilerplate code, making them ideal for smaller teams or rapid development.

     4 . Performance Needs

    • Libraries like Recoil and MobX optimize re-renders by updating only the affected parts of the state.
    • For applications with heavy real-time interactions or complex UI updates, performance should be a key consideration.

     5 . Tooling and Eco-System Support

    • Redux has a vast ecosystem, including Redux DevTools and middleware support, which make debugging and scaling easier.
    • React Query offers built-in utilities for background refetching, query caching, and managing stale data.

     5 . Scalability

    • For long-term projects, consider whether the library can handle growing complexity. Redux is a robust choice for applications expected to scale significantly.

When to Use 7 Most Popular State Management Libraries in React

7 Most Popular State Management Libraries in React

Redux: Applications with complex data flows, shared global state, and strict state control.

Jotai: Use Jotai when your application needs highly reactive state updates. Since Jotai leverages React’s native subscription model, components only re-render when the specific atom they depend on changes. This ensures optimal performance for medium to large applications.

MobX: Applications requiring a reactive and straightforward approach to state updates.

Zustand: Lightweight applications with moderate global state needs.

React Query: Apps with a strong dependency on server state management and API interactions.

Recoil: Modern React applications with fine-grained state dependencies.

Context Api: Simple projects or when only minimal global state sharing is needed

Balancing Trade-offs :

Every state management library comes with trade-offs. For instance:

  • Redux provides powerful debugging tools but introduces boilerplate and complexity.
  • MobX is simpler but may lack ecosystem support compared to Redux.
  • React Query handles server state exceptionally well but isn’t ideal for managing client-side global state.

Practical Tips for Choosing

  1. Start with React’s built-in tools (useState, useReducer, or Context API`) for smaller projects.
  2. Add a library only when you face specific challenges, such as:
    • Repetitive prop drilling.
    • Complex data flows or shared state requirements.
    • Frequent asynchronous operations.
  3. Evaluate your team’s familiarity with the library to minimize the onboarding curve.
  4. Use a combination of libraries if necessary. For example, combine React Query for server state and Redux for client-side global state.

Understanding Redux for State Management

Redux is one of the most widely adopted state management libraries in the React ecosystem. It is built on the principles of a predictable state container, making it easier to debug, test, and maintain large-scale applications.

What is Redux ?

Redux is a JavaScript library that manages and centralizes an application’s state. It is not exclusive to React and can be used with other JavaScript frameworks or libraries, but it is most commonly paired with React to handle complex state interactions.

At its core, Redux helps manage the “global state” that needs to be accessed or modified by multiple application components.

Core Principles of Redux

  1. Single Source of Truth:
    • Redux stores the entire application state in a single JavaScript object called the store.
    • This centralization ensures consistency and makes state debugging straightforward.
  2. State is Read-Only:
    • The state in Redux is immutable and cannot be directly modified.
    • To update the state, actions must be dispatched to trigger changes via reducers.
  3. Changes are Made with Pure Functions:
    • Redux uses pure functions, called reducers, to specify how the state changes in response to actions.
    • Reducers ensure that state transitions are predictable and free of side effects.

Redux Architecture

Architecture of Redux

Redux follows a unidirectional data flow with the following key components:

    1. Store:
      • The store is a centralized container that holds the application’s state.
      • There can only be one store in a Redux application.
    2. Actions:
      • Actions are plain JavaScript objects that describe what happened.
      • They contain a type property (a string) and may include additional payload data.
      • Example:

javascriptCopy codeconst incrementAction = { type: ‘INCREMENT’, payload: 1 };

            3. Reducers:

    • Reducers are pure functions determining how the state should change based on the dispatched action.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeconst counterReducer = (state = 0, action) =>


  switch (action.type)


    case ‘INCREMENT’:

      return state + action.payload;

    case ‘DECREMENT’:

      return state action.payload;


      return state;



          4. Dispatch:

    • The dispatch function sends actions to the store, triggering the reducer to update the state.

         5. Selectors:

    • Selectors are functions used to retrieve specific pieces of state from the store.

          Example: const getCount = (state) => state.counter;

         6. Middleware:

    • Middleware intercepts dispatched actions to handle side effects like API calls or logging.
    • Popular middleware includes Redux Thunk and Redux Saga.

Setting Up Redux in a React Application

To integrate Redux with React, follow these steps:

    1. Install Redux and React-Redux:

bashCopy codenpm install redux react-redux

To integrate Redux with React, follow these steps:

            2. Install Redux and React-Redux:

javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore } from ‘redux’;

import counterReducer from ‘./reducers/counterReducer’;

const store = createStore(counterReducer);

                3. Wrap Your Application with the Provider:

    • Use the Provider component from react-redux to make the store available to all components.

javascriptCopy codeimport { Provider } from ‘react-redux’;

import App from ‘./App’;

import store from ‘./store’;

const Root = () =>


  <Provider store={store}>

    <App />



            4. Connect Components to the Store:

Use hooks like useSelector and useDispatch to access state and dispatch actions.

javascriptCopy codeimport { useSelector, useDispatch } from ‘react-redux’;

const Counter = () =>


  const count = useSelector((state) => state);

  const dispatch = useDispatch();




      <p>Count: {count}</p>

      <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: ‘INCREMENT’, payload: 1 })}>






Advantages of Using Redux

  • Predictable State Changes: State updates are centralized, making debugging and testing easier.
  • Time Travel Debugging: Tools like Redux DevTools allow developers to replay actions and track state changes.
  • Scalable Architecture: Suitable for applications with complex and large-scale state requirements.
  • Middleware Support: Enables handling asynchronous actions, such as API requests.

Challenges with Redux

  • Boilerplate Code: Setting up Redux requires writing additional code, which can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Learning Curve: Concepts like actions, reducers, and middleware may take time to grasp.
  • Overkill for Small Projects: For simple applications, Redux can introduce unnecessary complexity.

Exploring MobX for State Management

MobX is a reactive state management library that provides an alternative to Redux, emphasizing simplicity, flexibility, and minimal boilerplate. It enables developers to manage application state with less effort and makes it easier to create scalable and reactive applications.

What is MobX ?

MobX is a library for managing state in JavaScript applications, particularly those using React. Unlike Redux, MobX uses observable data structures to automatically track changes and propagate updates to components.

MobX excels in handling both local and global state, providing a more intuitive and less restrictive approach compared to Redux.

Core Principles of MobX

  1. Everything Can Be Derived:
    • The state of your application can be derived from observable data.
    • Computed values and reactions ensure that derived data stays in sync with state changes.
  2. Minimal Boilerplate:
    • MobX simplifies state management by reducing the need for boilerplate code.
    • There are no actions, reducers, or middleware to set up.
  3. Automatic Reactivity:
    • Changes to the observable state automatically propagate to components or computed values.
  4. Unidirectional and Declarative:
    • State changes in MobX still follow unidirectional data flow, ensuring predictability and consistency.

Key Concepts of MobX

  1. Observable State:
    • MobX tracks the state using observable properties.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { observable } from ‘mobx’;

const counterState = observable({

  count: 0,

  increment() {




2. Actions:

    • Actions are methods that modify observable state.
    • MobX encourages using action to explicitly mark methods that update state.

javascriptCopy codeimport { action } from ‘mobx’;

const increment = action(() => {



          3. Computed Values:

    • Computed values derive data from observable state and automatically update when dependencies change.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { computed } from ‘mobx’;

const doubleCount = computed(() => counterState.count * 2);

          4. Reactions:

    • Reactions respond to changes in the observable state without directly rendering components.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { reaction } from ‘mobx’;


  () => counterState.count,

  (count) => console.log(`Count changed to: ${count}`)


Using MobX in a React Application

To integrate MobX with React, follow these steps:

    1. Install MobX and MobX-React-Lite:

bashCopy codenpm install mobx mobx-react-lite

   2. Create an Observable State:

javascriptCopy codeimport { makeAutoObservable } from ‘mobx’;

class CounterStore


  count = 0;














const counterStore = new CounterStore();

export default counterStore;

   3. Wrap Your App with a Store Provider (Optional): 

      Use React’s Context API to provide the store to components.

  4. Use Observers in Components:

Use the observer function from mobx-react-lite to track state changes in components.

javascriptCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

import { observer } from ‘mobx-react-lite’;

import counterStore from ‘./store/CounterStore’;

const Counter = observer(() => {

  return (


      <p>Count: {counterStore.count}</p>

      <button onClick={() => counterStore.increment()}>Increment</button>

      <button onClick={() => counterStore.decrement()}>Decrement</button>




export default Counter;

Advantages of MobX

  1. Ease of Use:
    • MobX simplifies state management with less boilerplate and more intuitive APIs.
  2. Reactive State:
    • Automatically propagates state changes to components, eliminating the need for explicit subscriptions.
  3. Flexibility:
    • Works seamlessly with various application architectures and scales effectively.
  4. Performance Optimization:
    • Only components dependent on the changed state are re-rendered.

Challanges with MobX

  1. Learning Curve for Advanced Concepts:
    • While MobX is simple to start with, mastering computed values and reactions requires some practice.
  2. Debugging Complexity:
    • The automatic nature of MobX can make it harder to trace state changes compared to Redux’s explicit actions.
  3. Ecosystem Support:
    • While MobX is powerful, its ecosystem is smaller than Redux, limiting third-party tools and extensions.

When to use MobX

MobX is an excellent choice for :

    • Applications requiring rapid development and minimal boilerplate.
    • Projects with complex state interdependencies.
    • Developers who prefer reactive programming and automatic state updates.

or want to continue reading about popular State Management libraries in React

React Query for Managing Server State in React Applications

React Query is a powerful state management library designed to handle server state in React applications. It simplifies data fetching, caching, synchronization, and updates, making it an indispensable tool for applications that rely heavily on APIs or remote data.

What is the Server State?

Server state refers to data fetched from external sources, such as REST APIs or GraphQL endpoints, that needs to be displayed or manipulated in a React application. Unlike client state, server state comes with unique challenges, such as:

  • Synchronizing local state with remote data.
  • Handling background updates and caching.
  • Managing loading, error, and success states.

What is React Query?

React Query is a library that addresses the complexities of managing server state. It streamlines fetching, caching, and synchronizing remote data, eliminating the need for manually handling server-state-related logic in React components.

Key features of React Query include:

Core Concepts of React Query?

  1. Query:
    • A query is a request to fetch data from a server, uniquely identified by a key.
    • React Query caches the response and keeps it synchronized with the server.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { useQuery } from ‘@tanstack/react-query’;

const fetchPosts = async () => {

  const response = await fetch(‘/api/posts’);

  return response.json();


const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery([‘posts’], fetchPosts);

          2. Mutation:

    • Mutations are used for creating, updating, or deleting data on the server.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { useMutation } from ‘@tanstack/react-query’;

const addPost = async (newPost) => {

  const response = await fetch(‘/api/posts’, {

    method: ‘POST’,

    body: JSON.stringify(newPost),

    headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ },


  return response.json();


const { mutate } = useMutation(addPost);

      3. Query Client:

    • The QueryClient is the central instance managing caching, invalidation, and background updates.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from ‘@tanstack/react-query’;

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

const App = () => (

  <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>

    <YourComponent />



      4. Invalidate Queries:

    • Invalidate queries to refetch and update the cache when data changes.
    • Example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { useQueryClient } from ‘@tanstack/react-query’;

const queryClient = useQueryClient();


Benefits of React Query?

  1. Simplifies Data Fetching Logic:
    • React Query abstracts away repetitive boilerplate for fetching, caching, and synchronizing server state.
  2. Automatic Caching and Refetching:
    • Data is cached by default and automatically updated when stale, improving performance.
  3. Handles Loading and Error States:
    • Provides built-in support for managing UI states without manually implementing logic.
  4. Optimistic Updates:
    • Supports optimistic UI updates for a smoother user experience.
  5. Server-Side Rendering Support:

Challenges with React Query

  1. Learning Curve:
    • While the API is straightforward, understanding concepts like cache time, stale time, and query keys can take time.
  2. Overhead for Simple Apps:
    • For projects with minimal server interactions, React Query might introduce unnecessary complexity.
  3. Dependency on React Query API:
    • Heavily coupling server-state logic to React Query makes replacing it with another tool more challenging.

Example: Using React Query in a Component

Here’s a simple example of using React Query to fetch and display a list of posts:

javascriptCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

import { useQuery } from ‘@tanstack/react-query’;

const fetchPosts = async () => {

  const response = await fetch(‘/api/posts’);

  if (!response.ok) throw new Error(‘Network response was not ok’);

  return response.json();


const Posts = () => {

  const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery([‘posts’], fetchPosts);

  if (isLoading) return <p>Loading…</p>;

  if (error) return <p>Error: {error.message}</p>;

  return (


      {data.map((post) => (

        <li key={post.id}>{post.title}</li>





export default Posts;

When to use React Query

React Query is ideal for:

  • Applications with frequent server interactions.
  • Projects requiring robust caching and synchronization.
  • Use cases involving paginated or infinite data.
  • Apps benefiting from real-time updates or SSR.

Zustand Lightweight State Management for React

React State Management with Zustand

Zustand is a fast and scalable state management library for React, designed to provide a simpler alternative to Redux and MobX. It excels in managing global state with minimal boilerplate and a straightforward API.

What is Zustand?

Zustand, which means “state” in German, is a small yet powerful state management library that utilizes JavaScript’s native capabilities to manage state. It emphasizes simplicity, performance, and flexibility, making it an excellent choice for developers who want to avoid the complexity of Redux.

Core Features of Zustand?

  1. Minimal Boilerplate:
    • Zustand eliminates the need for reducers, actions, and middleware.
    • State is managed using plain JavaScript objects and functions.
  2. Reactivity:
    • Components automatically update when state changes, thanks to subscriptions.
  3. Flexibility:
    • Works seamlessly with React and other libraries without enforcing a rigid architecture.
  4. Global and Local State:
    • Can manage both local and global state without performance trade-offs.
  5. Performance Optimization:
    • Uses shallow state comparison to minimize unnecessary re-renders.

How Zustand Works ?

Zustand creates a global store where you define your application state and methods to modify it. Components can subscribe to specific slices of the state, ensuring efficient updates.

Setting Up Zustand

Install Zustand via npm or yarn:

bashCopy codenpm install zustand

Creating a Store:
Define your state and actions using Zustand’s create function:

javascriptCopy codeimport { create } from ‘zustand’;

const useStore = create((set) => ({

  count: 0,

  increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),

  decrement: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count 1 })),


export default useStore;

Using the Store in Components:
Access state and actions in your React components:

javascriptCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

import useStore from ‘./store’;

const Counter = () => {

  const { count, increment, decrement } = useStore();

  return (


      <p>Count: {count}</p>

      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

      <button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>




export default Counter;

Advanced Features of Zustand

  1. Slices for Modular State Management:
    Zustand supports splitting state into modular slices for large applications:

javascriptCopy codeconst useCounterStore = create((set) => ({

  count: 0,

  increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),


const useAuthStore = create((set) => ({

  isAuthenticated: false,

  login: () => set({ isAuthenticated: true }),

  logout: () => set({ isAuthenticated: false }),


2. Middleware Support:

Zustand allows adding middleware for actions like logging or persisting state:

javascriptCopy codeimport { create } from ‘zustand’;

import { persist } from ‘zustand/middleware’;

const useStore = create(


    (set) => ({

      count: 0,

      increment: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),


    { name: ‘counter-storage’ }



3. Selective State Subscription:
Zustand allows components to subscribe to only the state they care about, optimizing performance:

javascriptCopy codeconst count = useStore((state) => state.count);

const increment = useStore((state) => state.increment);

Advantages of Zustand

  1. Ease of Use:
    • Simple API with a shallow learning curve.
  2. Performance:
    • Efficient state updates with selective subscriptions.
  3. Scalability:
    • Works well for both small and large applications.
  4. No Context API Overhead:
    • Does not rely on React’s Context API, avoiding unnecessary re-renders.

Challenges with Zustand

  1. Smaller Ecosystem:
    • Compared to Redux or MobX, the ecosystem for Zustand is relatively smaller.
  2. Less Opinionated:
    • While flexibility is a strength, the lack of a structured approach can be challenging for complex use cases.
  3. Middleware Limitations:
    • Middleware support, though available, is not as extensive as Redux.

When to use Zustand

Zustand is ideal for:

  • Applications that require global state management without the complexity of Redux.
  • Developers are looking for a lightweight and fast solution.
  • Projects with small to medium state requirements.

Example: Zustand in a Real Application

Here’s an example of Zustand managing both global state and selective subscriptions:

javascriptCopy codeimport { create } from ‘zustand’;

// Store

const useStore = create((set) => ({

  tasks: [],

  addTask: (task) => set((state) => ({ tasks: […state.tasks, task] })),

  removeTask: (taskId) =>

    set((state) => ({

      tasks: state.tasks.filter((task) => task.id !== taskId),



// Component

const TaskList = () => {

  const tasks = useStore((state) => state.tasks);

  const addTask = useStore((state) => state.addTask);

  return (


      <button onClick={() => addTask({ id: 1, name: ‘Learn Zustand’ })}>

        Add Task



        {tasks.map((task) => (

          <li key={task.id}>{task.name}</li>






export default TaskList;

Jotai An Atomic Approach to State Management in React

Jotai is a lightweight and versatile state management library for React, focusing on simplicity and flexibility. Its name, derived from the Japanese word for “atom,” reflects its core concept of managing state as independent, composable atomic units.

What is Jotai ?

Jotai is built on the principle of atom-based state management, where each piece of state is an individual, self-contained unit (atom). These atoms can be combined or composed to manage more complex state logic. This approach ensures flexibility, granular control, and high performance in state updates.

Core Features of Jotai

  1. Atomic State Management:
    • State is managed as independent, reusable units (atoms).
  2. Granular Updates:
    • Components re-render only when the atoms they subscribe to are updated.
  3. Composable Atoms:
    • Atoms can derive state from other atoms, enabling dynamic and scalable state management.
  4. Simplified API:
    • No need for reducers, actions, or middleware; state management is straightforward and declarative.
  5. Built-in React Suspense Support:
    • Jotai integrates seamlessly with React’s Suspense for asynchronous data fetching.

How Jotai works ?

Jotai relies on two main components:

    • Atoms: Represent individual state units.
    • Hooks: Used to read and write atom values in React components.

Setting up Jotai

  1. Installation:
    Install Jotai via npm or yarn:

bashCopy codenpm install jotai

2.Creating Atoms:
Define state units using the atom function:

javascriptCopy codeimport { atom } from ‘jotai’;

const countAtom = atom(0);

3.Using Atoms in Components:
Access atom values and setters with the useAtom hook:

javascriptCopy codeimport { useAtom } from ‘jotai’;

const Counter = () => {

  const [count, setCount] = useAtom(countAtom);

  return (


      <p>Count: {count}</p>

      <button onClick={() => setCount((prev) => prev + 1)}>Increment</button>

      <button onClick={() => setCount((prev) => prev 1)}>Decrement</button>




export default Counter;

Advance Features of Jotai

  1. Derived Atoms:
    Atoms can depend on other atoms, enabling dynamic state computation:

javascriptCopy codeconst countAtom = atom(0);

const doubleCountAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 2);

2. Asynchronous Atoms:
Jotai supports asynchronous state directly using promises:

javascriptCopy codeconst asyncAtom = atom(async () =>


  const response = await fetch(‘/api/data’);

  return response.json();


3. Persisting State:
Atoms can be persisted across sessions using libraries like jotai-persist:

javascriptCopy codeimport { atomWithStorage } from ‘jotai/utils’;

const persistentAtom = atomWithStorage(‘key’, defaultValue);

Benefits of Jotai

  1. Fine-grained Control:
    • Components only re-render for the specific atoms they depend on, improving performance.
  2. Scalability:
    • Composable atoms make managing complex state straightforward.
  3. Developer Experience:
    • Minimal boilerplate and a simple API streamline the development process.
  4. Integration with React Features:
    • Works natively with React Suspense and Concurrent Mode.

Challanges with Jotai

  1. Learning Curve for Derived Atoms:
    • Understanding how derived and asynchronous atoms interact may require practice.
  2. Less Guidance for Large Applications:
    • Jotai is highly flexible but lacks a prescribed structure for scaling applications.
  3. Smaller Ecosystem:
    • Compared to Redux or MobX, Jotai has fewer plugins and community tools.

Example: Using Jotai in a Real Application

Here’s an example showcasing derived atoms and dynamic state updates:

javascriptCopy codeconst LazyComponent = React.lazy(() => import(‘./LazyComponent’));

const App = () => (

  <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading…</div>}>

    <LazyComponent />



When to use Jotai

Jotai is best suited for:

  • Projects requiring fine-grained state control.
  • Applications needing dynamic, derived, or asynchronous state.
  • Developers seeking a lightweight and declarative state management library.

MobX Reactive State Management for React

MobX is a reactive state management library that enables automatic and efficient state updates. It is particularly well-suited for complex applications where state relationships are intricate, as it abstracts the process of tracking dependencies and propagating changes.

What is Mobx ?

MobX allows you to manage the application state using observable objects, arrays, and maps. It automatically tracks the dependencies between your state and UI components, ensuring that any change in the state is instantly reflected in the user interface. MobX emphasizes simplicity and reactivity, with minimal boilerplate code.

Core Features of MobX

  1. Observables:
    • Transform objects, arrays, or values into reactive data sources.
  2. Computed Values:
    • Derive values from observables that are automatically updated when dependencies change.
  3. Reactions:
    • Automatically run functions when observables change, ensuring state synchronization.
  4. Actions:
    • Enforce strict state modifications through dedicated functions to maintain consistency.
  5. Scalability:
    • Efficiently handles complex, large-scale applications with intricate state dependencies.

How MobX works ?

MobX revolves around three main concepts:

  • Observables: Reactive data sources.
  • Reactions: Automatically triggered side effects.
  • Actions: Functions that mutate the state.

By using these, MobX handles state updates reactively and ensures minimal re-renders.

Setting up MobX ?

  1. Installation:
    Install MobX and its React bindings:

bashCopy codenpm install mobx mobx-react-lite

2. Creating Observables:
Use makeAutoObservable to define reactive state:

javascriptCopy codeimport { makeAutoObservable } from ‘mobx’;

class CounterStore {

  count = 0;

  constructor() {



  increment() {



  decrement() {




export const counterStore = new CounterStore();

3. Using Observables in Components:
Wrap your components with an observer to track observable changes:

javascriptCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

import { observer } from ‘mobx-react-lite’;

import { counterStore } from ‘./store’;

const Counter = observer(() => {

  return (


      <p>Count: {counterStore.count}</p>

      <button onClick={() => counterStore.increment()}>Increment</button>

      <button onClick={() => counterStore.decrement()}>Decrement</button>




export default Counter;

Advanced Features of MobX

  1. Derived State with Computed Values:
    Use computed properties for derived state:

javascriptCopy codeclass CounterStore {

  count = 0;

  constructor() {



  get doubleCount() {

    return this.count * 2;



2. Custom Reactions:
Execute side effects when observables change using reaction:

javascriptCopy codeimport { reaction } from ‘mobx’;


  () => counterStore.count,

  (count) => console.log(`Count updated to: ${count}`)


3. Strict Mode with Actions:
Enforce state updates only within actions:

javascriptCopy codeimport { makeAutoObservable, runInAction } from ‘mobx’;

class Store {

  data = [];

  constructor() {



  fetchData() {


      .then((res) => res.json())

      .then((data) => {

        runInAction(() => {

          this.data = data;





Advantages of MobX

  1. Ease of Use:
    • Minimal boilerplate compared to Redux.
  2. Automatic Dependency Tracking:
    • State updates propagate automatically to dependent components.
  3. Performance:
    • Updates are scoped to the components directly impacted by state changes.
  4. Flexibility:
    • Can handle both simple and complex state management scenarios.

Challenges with MobX

  1. Learning Curve:
    • The reactive programming model may take time to understand.
  2. Overhead in Simple Apps:
    • For small projects, MobX might be overkill compared to simpler libraries.
  3. Debugging:
    • Automatic reactivity can make debugging challenging if not properly understood.

When to use MobX

MobX is ideal for:

    • Applications with complex, deeply nested state dependencies.
    • Projects requiring real-time, highly dynamic updates.
    • Teams are comfortable with reactive programming concepts.

Example: MobX in a Real Application

Here’s an example of MobX managing application state and reactions:

javascriptCopy codeimport { makeAutoObservable } from ‘mobx’;

import { observer } from ‘mobx-react-lite’;

// Store

class TodoStore {

  todos = [];

  constructor() {



  addTodo(todo) {



  removeTodo(index) {

    this.todos.splice(index, 1);


  get todoCount() {

    return this.todos.length;



export const todoStore = new TodoStore();

// Component

const TodoApp = observer(() => {

  const { todos, addTodo, removeTodo, todoCount } = todoStore;

  const handleAddTodo = () => {

    const newTodo = prompt(‘Enter a new task:’);

    if (newTodo) addTodo(newTodo);


  return (


      <h1>Todo List</h1>

      <button onClick={handleAddTodo}>Add Todo</button>


        {todos.map((todo, index) => (

          <li key={index}>

            {todo} <button onClick={() => removeTodo(index)}>Remove</button>




      <p>Total Todos: {todoCount}</p>




export default TodoApp;

Recoil in State Management for React

Recoil is a state management library developed by Facebook that brings a fresh perspective to managing complex state in React applications.

Unlike traditional libraries like Redux or MobX, Recoil leverages a unique “atomic state” model, making it easier to manage granular state changes while avoiding unnecessary re-renders.

It seamlessly integrates with React’s modern features, offering developers an intuitive, performant, and scalable solution for state management.

Core Features of Atoms and Selectors in Recoil

1. Atoms:

Atoms are the fundamental units of state in Recoil. They represent individual pieces of state that can be shared across components. Each atom is independent, meaning it can be read and written to by any component that subscribes to it. When an atom’s value changes, all components using that atom automatically re-render, ensuring the UI remains up-to-date.

Example of an Atom:

jsxCopy codeimport { atom } from ‘recoil’;

const todoListState = atom


  key: ‘todoListState’, // unique ID

  default: [], // initial state


Here, todoListState is an atom representing a list of tasks. Any component subscribing to this atom will re-render when the list changes.

2. Selectors:

Selectors are functions that derive state from one or more atoms or other selectors. They enable developers to compute and transform state without duplicating logic. Selectors can filter, sort, or perform calculations based on the atoms’ data.

Example of a Selector:

jsxCopy codeimport { selector } from ‘recoil’;

import { todoListState } from ‘./atoms’;

const completedTodosSelector = selector({

  key: ‘completedTodosSelector’,

  get: ({ get }) => {

    const todoList = get(todoListState);

    return todoList.filter((todo) => todo.isComplete);



In this example, the completedTodosSelector derives a list of completed tasks from the todoListState atom. Any change in the atom automatically updates the derived data, ensuring the state is always in sync.

Use Case of TodoList application :

Let’s build a simple to-do list application using Recoil to manage state:

Step 1: Setting Up Atoms for State

Define an atom to hold the list of to-do items.

jsxCopy codeimport { atom } from ‘recoil’;

const todoListState = atom({

  key: ‘todoListState’,

  default: [],


Step 2: Creating a Component to Add Tasks

jsxCopy codeimport React, { useState } from ‘react’;

import { useSetRecoilState } from ‘recoil’;

import { todoListState } from ‘./atoms’;

function AddTodo() {

  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(”);

  const setTodoList = useSetRecoilState(todoListState);

  const addTodo = () => {

    setTodoList((oldList) => [


      { id: Date.now(), text: inputValue, isComplete: false },




  return (





        onChange={(e) => setInputValue(e.target.value)}


      <button onClick={addTodo}>Add</button>




export default AddTodo;

Step 3: Displaying the To-Do List

jsxCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

import { useRecoilValue } from ‘recoil’;

import { todoListState } from ‘./atoms’;

function TodoList() {

  const todoList = useRecoilValue(todoListState);

  return (


      {todoList.map((todo) => (

        <li key={todo.id}>

          {todo.text} {todo.isComplete ? ‘Complete’ : ‘Incomplete’}






export default TodoList;

Step 4: Combining Components in the App

jsxCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

import { RecoilRoot } from ‘recoil’;

import AddTodo from ‘./AddTodo’;

import TodoList from ‘./TodoList’;

function App() {

  return (


      <h1>Recoil To-Do List</h1>

      <AddTodo />

      <TodoList />




export default App;

Benefits of Using Recoil

  1. Fine-Grained Control: Manages small, independent pieces of state, reducing unnecessary re-renders.

  2. Minimal Setup: Less boilerplate compared to Redux; simple to define atoms and selectors.

  3. Seamless React Integration: Works naturally with React’s hooks and functional components.

  4. Better Performance: Only re-renders components that depend on updated atoms, improving efficiency.

  5. Concurrent Mode Support: Supports React’s concurrent features like Suspense for smoother updates.

  6. Developer-Friendly Tools: Offers Recoil DevTools for easy debugging and visualization of state changes.

  7. Derived State Handling: Selectors allow for computed values without duplicating logic.

  8. Scalable Solution: Suitable for both small and large applications, adapting as the app grows.

Changes of Using Recoil

  1. Learning Curve: Requires understanding of new concepts like atoms and selectors.
  2. Limited Ecosystem: Compared to Redux, fewer third-party extensions and middleware are available.
  3. Experimental Features: Some features may evolve as Recoil is still relatively new.
  4. Concurrency Complexity: Utilizing concurrent mode effectively might require additional understanding.
  5. Debugging Complexity: For larger applications, debugging complex state dependencies can still be challenging.
  6. Smaller Community: Smaller user base compared to more established libraries like Redux, which may limit community support.

Context Api

  1. The Context API is a built-in feature in React that provides a straightforward way to manage and share state across multiple components without the need to pass props manually down every level of the component tree.
  2. Introduced in React 16.3, it is ideal for applications that require global state, such as theme settings, user authentication, or language preferences.
  3. It eliminates the problem of “prop drilling,” where data must be passed through intermediate components that don’t use it.

Core Features of Context API

  1. Context Creation:
    The React.createContext() method is used to create a context. This provides two components:
    • Provider: Supplies the state to its child components.
    • Consumer: Accesses the state provided by the Provider.
  2. Provider Component:
    The Provider holds the state that needs to be shared and makes it available to all components within its scope. It accepts a value prop that contains the data to be shared.
  3. Consumer Component:
    The Consumer component retrieves the value from the Provider. In modern React, useContext is a simpler hook-based alternative to Consumer.
  4. Dynamic Updates:
    When the Provider’s value changes, all subscribing components automatically re-render, ensuring the UI is always up-to-date.
  5. Flexible Scope:
    The Context API allows nesting multiple contexts, enabling fine-grained control over state visibility and management.

Basic example of Creating a Context :

jsxCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

// Creating a Context

const ThemeContext = React.createContext();

export default ThemeContext;

Benefits of Using Context Api

  1. Eliminates Prop Drilling:
    Removes the need to pass props through every intermediary component, making code cleaner and more manageable.
  2. Built-in Solution:
    No need to install external libraries; the Context API is a part of React, ensuring it works seamlessly with other React features.
  3. Simple to Use:
    Requires minimal boilerplate compared to more complex state management solutions like Redux or MobX.
  4. Global State Sharing:
    Enables the sharing of global data such as user authentication, themes, or language settings across the entire application.
  5. React Hook Integration:
    The useContext hook simplifies the process of consuming context, making it more intuitive for developers familiar with React hooks.
  6. Lightweight and Fast:
    Ideal for smaller applications or projects that don’t require the advanced features of state management libraries, resulting in better performance with less complexity.
  7. Customizable Scope:
    Developers can create multiple contexts to segment state management, ensuring each context is used only where needed.

Theme Management with Context API Use Case :

In this example, we’ll create a simple dark/light theme toggle using the Context API.

Step 1: Create a Theme Context

jsxCopy codeimport React, { useState, createContext } from ‘react’;

const ThemeContext = createContext();

export const ThemeProvider = ({ children }) => {

  const [theme, setTheme] = useState(‘light’);

  const toggleTheme = () => {

    setTheme((prevTheme) => (prevTheme === ‘light’ ? ‘dark’ : ‘light’));


  return (

    <ThemeContext.Provider value={{ theme, toggleTheme }}>





export default ThemeContext;

Step 2: Use the Context in a Component

jsxCopy codeimport React, { useContext } from ‘react’;

import ThemeContext from ‘./ThemeContext’;

function ThemeToggleButton() {

  const { theme, toggleTheme } = useContext(ThemeContext);

  return (

    <button onClick={toggleTheme}>

      Switch to {theme === ‘light’ ? ‘Dark’ : ‘Light’} Mode




export default ThemeToggleButton;

Step 3: Wrap the App with the Provider

jsxCopy codeimport React from ‘react’;

import { ThemeProvider } from ‘./ThemeContext’;

import ThemeToggleButton from ‘./ThemeToggleButton’;

function App() {

  return (



        <h1>Hello, Context API!</h1>

        <ThemeToggleButton />





export default App;

How it Works :

  1. ThemeProvider: Provides the theme and toggleTheme function to all child components.
  2. ThemeToggleButton: Consumes the context and toggles between dark and light modes when clicked.
  3. Global Access: Any component nested within ThemeProvider can access the current theme and toggle function without needing props. Press Tab to write more…


State management remains a cornerstone of React application development.

Choosing the right solution depends on the specific needs of your project, including complexity, scalability, performance requirements, and team expertise.

  • For simple applications, React’s built-in tools like the Context API and hooks often suffice.
  • For medium-sized projects, lightweight libraries such as Zustand, Jotai, or Recoil provide an excellent balance of simplicity and functionality.
  • For large-scale or highly dynamic applications, more robust solutions like Redux Toolkit or MobX offer advanced features and scalability.

As React continues to evolve, developers have more tools and patterns than ever to manage application state effectively.

The trends outlined above highlight an exciting future, where state management becomes more powerful, intuitive, and tailored to modern application needs.

Ultimately, the best approach is to stay informed about emerging trends, experiment with different libraries, and adapt solutions to meet your specific requirements.

With the right state management strategy, you can build React applications that are efficient, maintainable, and ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

FAQ's (Frequently asked Questions)

7 Most Popular State Management Libraries in React

State management in React refers to the process of handling and controlling the state of an application, which includes variables, data, and other information that determine the behaviour and appearance of the app at any given time. Effective state management ensures consistency, predictability, and scalability in React applications.

State management is essential because it:

  • Keeps the UI in sync with application data.
  • Simplifies communication between components.
  • Improves maintainability and scalability of the application.
  • Ensures predictable state transitions and easier debugging.

While React’s Context API and hooks are sufficient for small to medium applications, you might need a state management library when:

  • The application has a complex and deeply nested state.
  • Multiple components need to share and update state frequently.
  • Performance issues arise due to frequent re-renders.
  • State synchronization with server-side data is required.

Popular state management libraries include:

  • Redux Toolkit: Great for large-scale applications needing predictable state updates.
  • MobX: Offers automatic reactivity with minimal boilerplate.
  • Recoil: Designed for atomic state management with React.
  • Zustand: A lightweight and flexible state management solution.
  • Jotai: Simple and minimalistic atomic state management.
  • Local State: State that is managed within a single component and is not shared with others. Examples include form inputs or modal visibility.
  • Global State: State that is shared across multiple components, such as user authentication status or theme preferences.
  • Redux:
    • Based on a unidirectional data flow.
    • Requires explicit actions and reducers for state updates.
    • More boilerplate but offers greater predictability and debugging tools.
  • MobX:
    • Uses observable state with automatic dependency tracking.
    • Minimal boilerplate and more flexible.
    • Suited for real-time, reactive applications.

Yes, it’s possible to combine multiple state management approaches in a single project. For instance, you might use Context API for managing theme or language settings while employing Redux or MobX for complex application-level state. However, ensure this does not add unnecessary complexity to your project.

Atomic state management divides the application state into small, independent units (atoms). Each atom represents a single piece of state, making it easier to manage and track changes.

You can debug state management issues using:

  • React Developer Tools: Inspect state and props directly in the browser.
  • Redux DevTools: For tracking actions, state changes, and time travel debugging.
  • Console Logging: Temporarily add logs to track state transitions.
  • Built-in debugging tools in libraries like MobX and Zustand.

The future trends in React state management include:

  • Greater reliance on React’s built-in tools like hooks and Context API.
  • Increased adoption of atomic state management with libraries like Recoil and Jotai.
  • Better integration with server-side data management tools (e.g., React Query).
  • Enhanced debugging tools and developer experience.
  • Leveraging React’s concurrent features for smoother and more efficient state updates.

Hope you found good understanding about Most Popular State Management Libraries in React, with detailed explanations. Hope this helps you. 

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