React Training in Hyderabad

React Training in Hyderabad
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React Training in Hyderabad

Next batch Details

Trainer NameMr. Kishore
Trainer Experience15+ Years
Next Batch Date 28th October 2024 (07.30 AM) 
 28th October 2024 (08.30 AM)
Training Modes:Online & Offline
Course Duration40 – 45 Days
Call us at:+91 84660 44555
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React Training in Hyderabad Course Curriculum


  • Basics of html and document structure
  • Doctypes
  • Basic Tags
  1. html
  2. head
  3. body
  4. title
  5. meta
  6. link 
  7. script
  • Paragraphs
  • Line breaks
  • Blank space
  • Pre Formatting text
  • Headings
  • Comments
  • Element Types
  • Block Elements
  • Inline Elements
  • Div
  • Span
  • Header
  • Footer
  • Section 
  • Article
  • Nav
  • Aside
  • Un Ordered Lists
  • ordered Lists
  • Nested Lists
  • Definition Lists
  • What are links
  • Text links
  • Image links
  • Opening link in new window / new tab
  • Opening link in same same tab
  • Links to content of same page
  • Linking to an email
  • Linking to a file
  1. Introduction to images
  2. Adding an image to web page
  3. Image alt text
  4. Image labels
  1. Displaying data in table
  2. Table Header
  3. Table Body
  4. Table
  5. Thead
  6. Tbody
  7. Tr
  8. Td
  9. Th
  10. Row span
  11. Col span
  1. Introduction 
  2. Text Box
  3. text
  4. password
  5. email
  6. number
  7. date
  8. range
  9. url
  10. color
  11. Radio Button
  12. Check Boxes
  13. Select Box
  14. Multiple Select Box
  15. Text Area
  16. Submit Button
  17. Reset Button
  1. Web Storage
  2. Local storage
  3. Session storage
  • ntroduction
  • Audio
  • Vedio
  • Accessing audio/video from external source file in webpage
  • Introduction to SVG and Canvas
  • Creating line , circle , rectangle and polygon etc using svg / canvas

CSS 3 :

  • Version history
  • Css syntax 
  • Styling using external style sheets
  • Styling using internal styles sheets
  • Inline Styles
  • Multiple stylesheets
  • Specificity
  • Tag selector
  • ID Selectors
  • Class Selectors
  • Grouping Selectors
  • Universal Selector
  • Descendant / Child Selectors
  • Attribute Selectors
  • CSS – Pseudo Classes
  • color
  • background-color
  • text-decoration
  • text-align
  • vertical-align
  • text-indent
  • text-transform
  • white space
  • letter-spacing
  • word-spacing
  • line-height
  • font-family
  • font-size
  • font-style
  • font-variant
  • font-weight
  • Background Image
  • Background color
  • Background Position
  • background repeat
  • order width
  • Border Type
  • Border Color
  • Border radius
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Width
  • Height
  • Borders
  • Outline
  • Static
  • Fixed
  • relative
  • Absolute
  • Z-index
  • nline
  • Inline Block
  • block
  • Table
  • Flex
  • Grid
  • NONE
  • Visible
  • Hidden
  • Media Queries
  • Breaking Points
  • Targeting Web Page
  • Targeting PDF
  • 2D Transforms
  • 3D Transforms
  • Transitions
  • Animations
  • CSS Short Hand
  • Box Shadow
  • Gradient
  • Flex Box
  • HTML Graphics

Java Script :

  • Specificity
  • Tag selector
  • ID Selectors
  • Class Selectors
  • Grouping Selectors
  • Universal Selector
  • Descendant / Child Selectors
  • Attribute Selectors
  • CSS – Pseudo Classes
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Function
  • Array
  • Object
  • For
  • For in
  • While
  • Do While
  • For of
  • Function declaration
  • Function calling
  • Function Arguments, Parameters
  • Functional Scope
  • Returning from a function
  • closures
  • Functions as Arguments
  • Recursive functions
  • Introduction
  • String Methods
    1. Split()
    2. Trim()
    3. Charat()
    4. Length.
    5. Substr()
    6. concat()
    7. toLowerCase()
    8. toUpperCase()
  • Type casting Strings
  • Introduction
  • Array Methods
    1. Map
    2. Filter
    3. Find
    4. Find Index
    5. Foreach
    6. index of
    7. includes
    8. join
    9. push
    10. pop
    11. reduce
    12. slice
    13. reverse
    14. & More
  • Iterating an Array
  • Sorting an Array
  • Date Formats
  • Date get methods
  • Date set methods
  • Introduction
  • Creating objects
  • Object properties
  • Object methods
  • Prototype of an object
  • cloning an object
  • Joining Multiple objects
  • Document Object
  • Accessing an element
  • Create Element
  • Setting an attribute
  • Append Childs
  • Removing an element
  • Creating Text notes
  • Adding or removing Events
  • Introduction
  • Functional scope
  • Block scope
  • Introduction
  • Examples of events
    1. click
    2. mousemove
    3. doubleclick
    4. blur
    5. focus
    6. load
    7. hover
    8. & More.
  • Event Handlers
    1. click
    2. mousemove
  • Event bubbling
  • Event propagation
  • preventing events from default behaviour

Ecma script – 6 :

React JS :

  • For
  • For in
  • While
  • Do While
  • For of
  • For
  • For in
  • While
  • Do While
  • For of
  • For
  • For in
  • While
  • Do While
  • For of
  • Creating Routes and Router Layouts
  • Navigation from JSX and React components
  • Child Routes
  • Reading Router Params
  • Routing Context
  • Authentication for routes.
  • Creating Forms using vanilla react
  • Creating forms using formic library.
  • Store
  • Actions
  • Dispatchers
  • Reducers
  • Immutability
  • State management using redux library.
  • Store
  • Actions
  • Dispatchers
  • Reducers
  • Immutability
  • State management using redux library.
  • Understanding testing
  • Introduction to Jest
  • Test Running using Jest
  • Mocking functions and modules
  • Testing Components
  • Snapshot Testing
  • Async / Await.

React Training in Hyderabad

Key Points

React JS Online Training in Hyderabad

Real Time Expert Trainers

Learn from industry experts who have extensive hands on experience with more than 15+ years.

React JS Course in Hyderabad

Project Scenarios Explained

Get hands-on experience through practical projects and exercises that simulate real-world scenarios.

React training in Hyderabad

Flexible Learning Options

Choose from flexible training options, including online Classroom & self-paced training.

react js training institute in hyderabad

Interactive doubt sessions

With our interactive hands-on learning, making your experience dynamic and memorable.

reactjs training in hyderabad

Industry Ready Curriculum

Our curriculum covers every aspect of React JS, from the basics to advanced level concepts.

react training hyderabad

Interview & Job Support

Receive career guidance, interview preparation and job placement assistance to secure your dream job.

React Online JS Course

Community Driven Learning

Connect with experts in the field of networking opportunities, creating a community extends beyond the training room.

react js training in hyderabad

Flexible Payment Options

We offer an affordable fee structure with flexible payment options compared to the competitors.

React JS Course Institute in hyderabad

Making you job ready

Our main motto of React Training in Hyderabad Course is to make you Job ready when you enter the job market.

What is React JS?

What's the use of React JS

🧩 Component-Based UI: Build modular, reusable components.

⚡️ Virtual DOM: Enhances performance by efficiently updating only changed components.

📝 Declarative Syntax: Describe the desired UI state, and React handles the rest.

🔄 Efficient Data Binding: Seamless synchronization between UI and component state.

♻️ Reusability and Composition: Compose components for scalable and maintainable interfaces.

➡️ Unidirectional Data Flow: Predictable data flow for easier debugging.

🌐 Rich Ecosystem: Supported by a vibrant community and extensive libraries.

react native training in hyderabad
Pre-Requisites of React JS

Prerequisites of the React JS Course

Who should learn React JS

React JS Course Overview
react training in hyderabad

Course Outline

Start with its history and significance in modern web development and set up its development environment, install necessary tools, and gain a fundamental understanding of JSX syntax.

Focus on React components, both functional and class-based, explore the concept of props for data communication between components, and delve into the lifecycle of React components.

Learn how to handle events in React, covering both functional and class components. Additionally, the module explores form handling, including controlled.

Introducing React Router for creating navigation in a React application and learn to set up routes, handle navigation between them, and explore advanced features such as nested routes.

Students and beginners who want to learn modern front-end development can benefit from starting with React, as it is beginner-friendly and has a large and supportive community.

Learn about code splitting, and lazy loading, and deploy their applications using popular hosting options.

About React Training in Hyderabad Course Online

Objectives of React JS Course

React Course Objectives

Course Overview of React Training in Hyderabad

React Course Overview

Tools Covered in React Training in Hyderabad

Like a magnifying glass for developers, React DevTools allow you to inspect and debug your React components with ease.

This tool is like a handy assistant that sets up your React project with a single command, saving you from the hassle of configuring everything from scratch.

Think of Webpack as a master organizer. It bundles your React application’s assets, making sure everything is efficiently managed and delivered.

Babel is your language translator. It covers you modern JavaScript into a version that browsers that can understand, ensuring capability.

Acting like a helpful mentor, ESLint checks your code for errors and style inconsistencies, nudging you towards writing cleaner and more maintainable code.

Jest is your testing companion, making sure your React components behave as expected. It’s like having a quality control team for your code.

Imagine having a diary to track the state changes in your React application. Redux Dev Tools provide insights into how your state evolves over time, aiding in debugging.

Axios is your messenger. It helps your React app communicate with APIs, making data retrieval and sending requests a smoother process.

If your React app were a city, React Router would be the street signs, guiding users seamlessly through different pages and views.

Parcel is like a quick courier service for your code. It efficiently bundles your application without the need for extensive configuration.

Training Mode

Online Training

React JS Training institute

Classroom Training

React Offline Training

Video Training

React video course training in Hyderabad

Career Opportunities


Front-end Developer

As a front-end developer, you will use React to build web applications and user interfaces.


Full-stack Developer

Full-stack developers use React JS along with other technologies to build both frontend & backend components of web applications.


UI/UX Developer

UI/UX developers use React to build user friendly and visually appealing interfaces for web applications.


Mobile App Developer

React Native Developer uses React as its core library. As a result, React skills are valuable for mobile app development.


Web Designer

Web designers use React to build responsive and interactive web designs that are visually appealing and user-friendly.


Technical Writer

Technical writers with React skills can write documentation for React-based applications, libraries, and frameworks.


React JS Developer

The React JS Developer is responsible for the creation of applications using React JS & must have an understanding of web application design, including HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. 


React Native Developer

The React Native Backend Developer creates native mobile applications, testing and debugging the code for bugs and resolving them, with evolving technologies.


React JS Front End Developer

The React JS Front end Developer creates user interfaces using React JS and other related technologies. Their responsibilities  include testing applications, debugging code, resolving bugs and maintaining existing applications.


React Native Backend Developer

The React Native Backend Developer creates native mobile applications, testing and debugging the code for bugs and resolving them. They also maintain existing code by identifying issues with outdated features with evolving technologies.

22,000+ job openings for React

React Training in Hyderabad
React Training in Hyderabad
React Training in Hyderabad
React Training in Hyderabad

There are Lakhs of job openings in the field of React worldwide.

React Training in Hyderabad

Skills Developed Post React JS Training


JavaScript & JSX. Familiarity with state management & knowledge of component lifecycle methods & hooks.


Ability to manage application state using Redux.


Understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development 


Ability to use Git for version control and collaboration


Familiarity with testing React applications using Jest and Enzyme


Strong problem-solving and troubleshooting skills, with the ability to debug and resolve issues in React applications


Knowledge of best practices for building scalable and maintainable React applications,


Ability to use React.js with other popular libraries and frameworks, such as Angular and Vue.js


Familiarity with React server-side rendering and client-side rendering.


Ability to build responsive web applications using React Grid System and other responsive design techniques


Knowledge of performance optimization techniques for React applications


Understanding of React Router for building single-page applications


Familiarity with popular React development tools and IDEs, such as Visual Studio Code and WebStorm.


Ability to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces using React.js advanteges 


Discover how to deploy React applications to hosting platforms like Netlify or AWS.

React js Certification in hyderabad

React JS Certification Course
  • React certifications are a way to demonstrate your expertise in using React. Employers are more likely to hire certified developers, and certifications can help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Preparing for a React certification exam requires a deep understanding of React and its applications. 
  •  This ensures that certified developers are familiar with the latest best practices and are using React in the most efficient and effective way.

Student Testimonials of React JS Course

Rajesh Kumar
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Enrolling in the React training in Hyderabad at React Masters was a game changer for my career. The course content was comprehensive, the instructors were top-notch, and the practical projects helped me build a strong portfolio.
Sandhya Rani
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The React training in Hyderabad at React Masters Institute was outstanding. The curriculum was industry-relevant and up-to-date. The institute provided placement assistance, which helped me get placed in a top IT company. I am grateful to React Masters Institute
Ankita Patel
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I had a great learning experience at React Masters Institute. The faculty members were patient and helpful, and the course content was easy to understand. The practical training helped me to implement React in real-world scenarios.
Priya Singh
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React Masters Institute provides a comfortable and interactive learning environment. The institute has state-of-the-art infrastructure, which makes learning a pleasure. The faculty members are knowledgeable and supportive, and the course content is well-structured.
Pradeep Kumar
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React Masters Institute provides an affordable React training in Hyderabad with flexible payment options. The practical training helped me to learn React in a hands-on way. The institute provided access to a wide range of resources, which helped me to deepen my understanding of React.
Read More
React Masters Institute is an excellent place to learn React. The institute provides personalized attention, which helped me to clear my doubts and understand React concepts better. The faculty members are knowledgeable and provide practical training based on real-world projects.

Placement Opportunities

Placement Opportunities of React JS

Job Support program

React Training in Hyderabad

Personalized Guidance

Our experienced mentors will offer personalized guidance based on your  project requirements and career goals. Customized help guarantees that you get help with the subjects and abilities most important to your job responsibilities.

React online Training in Hyderabad

Code Review and Optimization

Submit your code for thorough review by our expert mentors. Receive constructive feedback on code quality, performance, and adherence to React best practices.   

React online Training in Hyderabad

Hands-On Problem Solving

Get hands on assistance in solving real world React Challenges encountered in your workplace. Learn best practices and efficient solutions to common development issues.

React online Training in Hyderabad

Interview Preparation

Participate in mock interviews and technical assessments designed to simulate real-world interview scenarios. Receive constructive feedback from experienced mentors to enhance your interview performance.

React online Training in Hyderabad

Resume Building Assistance

Get personalized assistance in crafting a compelling and react effective resume. Learn to highlight your key achievements, skills, and projects to make a strong impression on potential employers.

React online Training in Hyderabad

Career Development Workshops

Attend workshops on resume building, job interviews, and effective communication within development teams. Learn strategies for career growth and positioning yourself as a valuable asset in the job market.

Pay Scales

React online Training in Hyderabad
React JS Carrier Objectives

Why Choose Career in React JS?


Easy to Learn

React is easy to learn and use, making it a popular choice for beginner developers.

Reusable Components

React allows developers to create reusable components which used across multiple projects, reducing development time  

High Performance

React uses a virtual DOM, which improves performance by reducing the number of direct DOM manipulations.

Declarative Syntax

 React uses a declarative syntax, making it easier for developers to understand and modify code.

Large Community

React has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and provide support and resources to other developers.


React is SEO-friendly and allows search engines to easily crawl and index web pages, improving their visibility.

Cross-platform Compatibility

 React uses a declarative syntax, making it easier for developers to understand and modify code.

Supports Reactive Programming

React supports reactive programming, allowing developers to build responsive user interfaces that update in real-time.

Easy to Debug

React provides detailed error messages and debugging tools, making it easy for developers to identify and fix issues.

Why Choose React Masters for React training in Hyderabad

Expert Trainers

React Masters at React training in Hyderabad has a team of experienced & knowledgeable instructors.

Comprehensive Curriculum

React Masters offers a comprehensive Curriculum that covers all essential topics related to React.

Hands on Training

React Training in Hyderabad institute provides hands on training with real world projects to help students .

Course Certification

React Masters Institute provides a certificate to its students upon successful completion of the course.

Affordable Fees

React Masters offers affordable training fess and provides flexible payment options for students.

Career Guidance

React Masters institute at Hyderabad provides career guidance and counselling to students.

Job Placement Assistance

React Masters Institute provides job placement assistance to students helping them to secure jobs.

Latest Technologies

React Masters keeps up with the latest technologies and trends in React and Web development.

Continuing Education

React JS Training at React Masters institute is committed to provide ongoing support to students even after the training.

Market trends of React JS

React is rapidly growing in popularity and is one of the most sought-after front-end technologies in the market.

According to a recent report, the global market for React will grow at a rate of 16.8% from 2021 to 2026.

React popularity is expected to grow in the future, as more companies and developers adopt it for their needs.

The future of React looks bright, as it is continuously evolving with new features and updates.

The job prospects for React professionals are excellent, with many companies looking for skilled developers.

These technologies can improve job prospects and enable developers to build more complex applications.

React is a versatile technology that can be used for building web, mobile, and desktop applications.

React has a large & active community of developers who provide resources, tools to help developers for their skills.

Our Success in Numbers

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Companies that Hires React Developers


Learning React can provide several benefits, including improved job prospects, increased earning potential, and the ability to build complex applications with ease.

To learn React, you need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarity with ES6 syntax and the Node.js runtime environment is also recommended.

 React training is a program designed to individuals how to build web applications using React. It typically includes a combination of theory, practical exercises, and hands-on experience with React development.

React Masters training program covers a wide range of topics, including React fundamentals, component-based architecture, JSX syntax, React hooks, Redux state management, and server-side rendering.

React training in Hyderabad  at React Masters is suitable for beginners. The Online & Classroom training program is designed to provide a solid foundation in React development for individuals with no prior experience in the field.

React Masters provides best react training in Hyderabad, practical exercises, and real-world examples that can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of React development. 

The React js training program is designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge required to build complex applications using React.

If you are already well-versed with basics of UI technologies like HTML, CSS & JavaScript then you would need 30 to 4 days to Learn React. However you may need 2 to 3 months to learn React js if you are new to UI development.

 Yes, React Masters provides job placement assistance to individuals who complete the React training program. They work with industry partners to help individuals find suitable job opportunities in React development.

Interested individuals can enroll in React training in Hyderabad at React Masters by visiting their website, selecting the training program, and filling out the enrollment form. The institute will provide guidance on the next steps in the enrollment process.

The actual DOM in the browser is represented virtually by the Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). The rendering process is optimized by React using the Virtual DOM

React calculates the most effective way to update the real DOM after updating the virtual DOM when changes are made, reducing the amount of actual DOM manipulations. Performance is improved by this strategy.

React is appropriate for creating mobile apps due to the React Native framework. Using React components, React Native enables developers to create native mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms. For web developers, it offers code reuse and a comfortable development environment.

React isn’t that much hard. Requires to understand JSX, State & Components. Continues practices & resources makes easy.

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In order to give you the knowledge and abilities necessary for a prosperous career in web development, React Masters offers React JS training. 

Our React training in Hyderabad program is an excellent investment in your future because it is run by professionals in the field, provides practical experience, and helps you find your ideal job.

Having a fundamental knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS can be useful, but there are no specific requirements.

 Our React JS training in Hyderabad program is created to suit students with different levels of experience, and our instructors provide assistance to fill in any knowledge gaps you may have.

Learning React boosts job prospects. Many companies seek React skills for Web Developer, Front-end & Back-end web development roles.

React offers rapid growth, large use, and strong community support, making it promising for the future of web development.

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